Friday, March 15, 2013

Legacy of Faith - March

All those going on the Trek should be working on their Legacy of Faith award, to prepare for the Trek. Below is the list of things to accomplish during the month of March. Also included is the list of optional activities:

Do each of the following:

 Read the scriptures and pray daily 

 Read President Brigham Young’s address to the saints as recorded by William Clayton, pg. 1-2 in the Legacy of Faith Guidebook. 

 Read pg. 2-3, 11-13 and 20-21 in the For the Strength of Youth. Record your personal feelings in your journal regarding the responsibility you have to conduct yourself in accordance with one who bears the name of Jesus Christ. 

 Read the message from the First Presidency in the For the Strength of Youth (pg. ii-iii).  

 Read the accounts in the Legacy of Faith Guidebook on pg. 2-4. This Guidebook can be downloaded from:

 Begin looking for someone to represent on the Trek. This may be an ancestor, a particular pioneer or a modern day family member whom you respect and admire.

Do one or more of the following:
 Watch “Legacy”—church pioneer movie 
 Tour the Beehive House 
 Journal Entry—What is a pioneer and how can I be a modern day pioneer?
 One of the “Other Optional Activities”

Physical Preparation:

 Walk, run or bike 2 miles 

 Start breaking in a pair of shoes for the Trek (brand new shoes will cause sore feet and blisters if not broken in before the Trek)

Optional Activities:
 Perform baptisms for the dead 
 Bear your testimony in Fast and Testimony meeting 
 Give a talk in Sacrament meeting 
 Learn more about one of your ancestors 
 Visit Temple Square 
 Visit the Pioneer Museum in Provo 
 Make and share a pioneer recipe 
 Teach your family a pioneer dance or game 
 Any activities listed on previous months 
 Any activities your parents or leaders approve

Monday, March 4, 2013

Learn about the Trek here

To help everyone be prepared for our upcoming Trek, this blog will focus on publishing up-to-date information on a regular basis from now until we leave.

It will also serve as a place where you can get your questions answered. If you post questions in the comments section below, we will answer them.

Please subscribe to this blog - then you will be automatically notified whenever there is an update. The subscribe link is at the very bottom of this page.

And we need everyone's help to make this site effective. Please text or tell others about this blog. If everyone in the Stake knows about this blog, and checks it frequently, then it will serve its purpose of helping the leaders who are planning the Trek communicate with everyone quickly.